Bible Baptist church in Slobozia, Prednistrovia was started on a 3-month survey trip in 1996 by missionary Paul Hamilton. Brother Hamilton came to study the language and learn the culture of Moldova. When He arrived people in the region were tearing off pages of the Bible just so they could read the word of God. While going door to door he met believers who were praying that God would send a preacher to their region. God used Psalm 34:18 to break his heart for the people and to call him to start the work. A group of Believers were taught, and established. Brother Hamilton returned home to gather up his family, and to raise support to return to Moldova. In 1997 Missionaries Paul and Susan Hamilton returned with their family to work in God's harvest fields. It was the first Bible Believing work established in this war torn part of the country. Efforts were made to give Gospel literature and in 1998 18 believers were baptized.
In August of 1999, a permanent church building was secured where they could begin to hold services. The following year there were 33 new converts added to the church. In the year 2000 another 35 people were added to the church. In 2001 Brother Hamilton turned the work to national leaders. At this time the church is currently being pastored By Constantin Stratulat.
In 2001 God moved Brother Hamilton to the airport region where Bible Baptist church of Chisinau was established. Nine converts were saved and baptized, and regular meeting were held in an apartment and then a store front. In 2003 Bible Baptist Church of Chisinau along with Brother Don Stertz and Baptist Couriers for Christ came to Moldova to have a scripture campaign. There were 207,000 John and Romans and invitations distributed for a one night evangelistic meeting. There were 3,000 people that came to receive a copy of the word of God. In 2003 another meeting was established in a local school.
In August of 2005 , Bible Baptist Church was able to purchase a 3 floor building that would be used for the church and all the ministries. The ministries include: Missions outreach, Purified Word Printing International, Anchor of Hope Orphan and family foundation, Eagle Missionary school, Bible Believers Baptist Institute of Moldova.
In 2013 through the vision of Brother Hamilton the Lord gave the call to start a church in the city of Balti. Again, with the help of Brother Don Stertz and Baptist Couriers of Christ there were over 200,000 John and Romans sown in the area of Chisinau, and Balti. As a result of the campaign God established His church in Balti in a local restaurant, where there is a weekly meeting. Please pray for the continued work of the Lord here in Moldova.

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