A Word From the Founder-Director

- "Everything We Have Came from God”
I Cor. 4:7, ”For who maketh thee to differ from another? And what hast thou that thou
didst not receive? Now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?” I’m always reminded of the goodness of God. The Lord has blessed us
so much with the privilege of caring for the fatherless and needy souls here in Moldova.
A special thank you to all who pray and give to the Anchor of Hope projects. Sometimes with life, we take for granted the things the Lord has done. The Lord reminded me through this story of an orphan boy of the incredible love the Father in Heaven has for His children. Peter the Great of Russia, founder of the Romanoff Dynasty, told this story about a king:
- In the middle evil days, the king went out among his subjects and saw from his royal chariot
a little rag-a-muffin boy dressed in dirty filthy rags. The boy was an orphan. The king sat for a while and watched this little orphan boy scavenge around for some food. He looked at him and could see he didn’t have a home. The boy would often sleep wherever he could find a little corner that offered some shelter from the weather. The king took this little orphan boy dressed in his rags and brought him up into his royal chariot. He adopted him into the king’s family and took the boy back to his palace. This little orphan boy, who had nothing and worse than nothing, was now living in the palace of the king. He who had been dressed in dirty filthy rags was now dressed in royal finery. He, who had to scavenge through the trash to find a morsel of food, now put his feet under the king’s table and ate from the delicacies of the king’s kitchen.
The king assigned a servant to attend to the young prince. Every morning, this servant’s duty was to go into the prince’s bedroom and lay out his royal garments for the day and then wake the prince up from his sleep. However, the servant began to notice that every morning when he went in to lay out the royal garments and awaken the prince, the prince would ask him to step outside and close the door for a moment. The servant did this every morning, but noticed that every time the prince came out, dressed in his royal garments, that he was always rubbing his eyes from the tears that had been streaming down his face.
One morning, the servant just couldn’t resist. He pulled the door closed, but left it open just a little crack so he could look in and see what the prince was doing. He watched how the prince went over to a closet and reached back into that darkened closet and pulled out the dirty rags that he was wearing the day the king had found him on the street. He watched as the prince put on those dirty, filthy rags and stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself. Then, with tears streaming down his cheek, he took off those dirty rags and put them back in the closet. He then dressed in his royal garments and came out rubbing his eyes. The servant said,
“Prince, I hope you are not angry with me, but I couldn’t resist. I looked in and saw what you did. I would just like to ask you what in the world you are doing keeping those dirty, filthy rags and putting them on and looking at yourself in the mirror? What are you doing?” The prince answered, “Servant, while I am adopted into the King’s family, while I sit at the King’s table, while I live in the King’s palace - I don’t want to ever forget what the King did for me!”
- How much do you owe the Lord? May God richly bless you with fruit to your account.
Thank you.